Removing blood stains from your silk curtains

If you have silk curtains at home then you will have to clean and maintain them at regular intervals. Generally, you need to clean the curtains once every six months or so. But if there was a bloodstain then it would remove the show of the curtains. In that case, you must quickly take some action to remove the same. Here’s how you must remove blood stains from silk curtains.

  1. Use Blot Paper for a Fresh Stain

If you came across the bloodstain quickly then it means that the stain is still fresh. In that case, you must take a blotting paper and then dab it over the stain. This will help in removing the blood from that area. Now, you can take a stain remover solution and apply it to that area. You should then remove the stain gently. Do you want to know the Benefits Of Hiring a Curtain Cleaning Service

  1. Use Salt and Water for Old & Dry Bloodstain

If you come across an old blood stain then you can take salt and water. You should make the area damp and then apply salt to the same area. Now, take a brush and gently rub it on the stain. You should then apply a bit of water and try to remove the stain with the help of a damp cloth. 

  1. Take the Curtains Down and Give the Same to the Laundry for Washing and Stain Removal

If you have a prominent bloodstain on the silk curtains and you think that you will not be able to handle the same, then you can give the curtain to the laundry for stain removal and washing or cleaning. Are you looking out for How Easy Is Curtain Cleaning?

  1. Use Glycerine and Detergent Liquid for Bloodstain

If you want to remove the bloodstain from the silk material then you can use 2 parts of glycerine and 1 part of the detergent liquid. Mix these two and then apply the same on the stain. Keep this as it is for a while. Now, once you feel that thirty minutes have passed, you can take a damp cloth and gently rub it against the stain. You will see that the stain will become light very soon.

  1. Call the Professional Curtain Cleaning Service

To remove blood stains from your expensive silk curtains you can call for Professional Curtain Cleaning as the curtain cleaning services know how to deep clean the curtains and also remove stains such as pet stains, urine stains, and bloodstains. 


When you have silk curtains in your home, the home interiors will be quite beautiful. But, if there are bloodstains then this can affect the look of the curtains you can even call Curtain Cleaning Brisbane. Thus, you must quickly work to remove blood stains. You can follow the above options and get the relevant solutions. Once in a while, you must check the silk curtains and find out if there are any issues with the same. Removing the stains is vital because that can make the curtains look bad. Take the right measures to maintain the look and feel of the curtains.