Carpet Dry Cleaning VS Carpet Steam Cleaning


We all know the damages carpets face daily. Heavy use and chronic wear tear can lead to the withering of carpets. Daily settlement of dirt, dust and mud s also a big problem which can lead to many problems of dust mites, staining and health issues. Food stains and liquid spills can also damage and decolourise the carpet and ignoring any kind of stain can lead to hygienic problems. Most of the organic stains can result in contamination of carpets by germs and bacteria. Therefore it is highly advisable that you follow routine carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal time to time. You can hire professional carpet cleaning services to get carpet dry cleaning and carpet steam cleaning done by professionals. These two methods are most commonly used for carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal. Both of the methods offer good carpet cleaning results with some advantages and disadvantages. Follow this blog to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of Carpet Dry Cleaning and Carpet Steam Cleaning Brisbane.

Carpet Dry Cleaning
Carpet Dry Cleaning
  1. Carpet Dry Cleaning

    Carpet dry cleaning process is begun with a complete vacuum cleaning of the carpet and remove all the dirt and dust settled deep within the carpets. Dirt can harbour a lot of germs and may result in chronic staining when coming in contact with water. Carpet dry cleaning is delivered by using best and eco-friendly dry cleaning agents available. Professional carpet cleaners use special rotary machines attached with unique brushes to remove any dirt or mud left and help in loosening of carpet fibres. Carpet dry cleaning is mostly used for old and stubborn carpet stain removal and this process is long and time taking. Professional carpet cleaners will clean the surface and bottom of your carpet to deliver complete cleaning results. Carpet dry cleaning also balances the natural chemical balance and moisture level of the carpet.


    Carpet dry cleaning is mostly limited to general carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal. You can not use carpet dry cleaning for mould removal and carpet sanitization. So carpet dry cleaning can offer good cleaning results but not so good in removing germs and bacteria.
  2. Carpet Steam Cleaning

    Carpet steam cleaning is an advance and modern method used for carpet cleaning. Steam cleaning is mostly used for periodic carpet cleaning and for old stubborn carpet stain removal. Flooding of carpet and carpet water extraction is dealt by using strong machinery. Machines are used to pressurise and inject hot water deeply in the carpets and its fibres. Hard stains are treated with strong stain removal agents first. Water will reach to every inch of carpet fibres and clean your carpets inside out. It will also help in removal of dirt, pet dander and hair stuck deep within the carpet fibres. After wet carpet cleaning is done, pressurised air is made to move inside out of the carpet. Pressurized air will help evaporate the water left in the carpet, and leave the fibres of carpet fresh and clean. More pressurized air is moved through the carpets for complete carpet water extraction and get rid of stains and dirt.


    Carpet steam cleaning is very time taking and long and carpet drying can take a full day to complete. Carpet steam cleaning is good for hard old stains but offers nothing for carpet oil stain removal. Any amount of oil and grease will not be removed by carpet steam cleaning. Carpet steam cleaning results are directly dependent on the efficiency of professional carpet cleaners.
Carpet Steam Cleaning
Carpet Steam Cleaning

Hiring OZ Clean Team for Professional Carpet Cleaning:

Carpet dry cleaning and carpet steam cleaning is a complex process that involves heavy machinery and chemicals. So hire OZ Clean Team for professional carpet cleaning services at affordable costs. Our professional carpet cleaners will make sure that you get perfect results for Carpet Cleaning Brisbane within 24 hours of hiring. Avail our services today and get guaranteed results at cheap costs.